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The Impact of Climate Change on Guinea: Insights from Locals

A significant number of Guineans aware of climate change feel that wealthy nations, largely accountable for the issue, should take immediate action to address these changes and assist Guinea in coping with their effects, as indicated by an Afrobarometer & Stat View International survey. Many respondents report familiarity with climate change, and a substantial portion believes it negatively affects their daily lives, citing human activity as a major contributor. They assert that the government holds the primary responsibility for addressing climate change and must act without delay. In this context, the findings from Afrobarometer & Stat View International survey provide a vital...

Gender-Based Violence in Guinea: A Closer Look

Gender-based violence remains a significant barrier to gender equality in Guinea, according to a recent Afrobarometer survey. The data reveals alarming attitudes: a majority believe domestic violence should be handled privately, and that men are justified in beating their wives.While most respondents say violence against women and girls is uncommon in their communities, many still perceive it as widespread. Over half of women aged 15-64 have experienced intimate partner violence. Yet in 2023, just 205 rape cases and 14 harassment complaints were reported to the Office for the Protection of Gender, Children and Morals. This massive under reporting suggests victims face barriers to seeking...

Guinea’s Electricity Woes – Most Citizens Dissatisfied with Government’s Response

Guinea's Electricity Woes - Most Citizens Dissatisfied with Government's Response A 2020 Afrobarometer survey reveals a grim picture of Guinea's electricity supply. Only 2 in 10 Guineans have access to a reliable electricity source, and most citizens are unhappy with the government's efforts to improve the situation. The key findings paint a stark urban-rural divide: Only 33% of households are connected to the national grid, with a massive gap between cities (65%) and rural areas (3%). Just 1 in 5 Guineans have electricity "all the time", with nearly half (49%) going without power "several times a...

Perception survey on reforms in the sectors of Justice, Defense Forces and Security by the Guinean populations

The 60-year report card on Guinean independence gets a failing grade when it comes to the relationship between the military and government and between the security forces and citizens. The 2010 security sector evaluation conducted with support from ECOWAS, the African Union and the UN painted a troubling picture (including for the justice system). That's why reforming the justice and security sectors has been a top priority for the President as part of a democratic renewal. In 2011, exchanges between reform stakeholders and civil society led to 317 recommendations and a reform roadmap. Significant initiatives in justice, defense and security have followed. Since these reforms have an...

A Tale of 2 Countries: Implementation of the Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform in Guinea and Kenya

A Tale of 2 Countries: Implementation of the Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform in Guinea and Kenya Introduction: In 2016, the Gavi Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform (CCEOP) was launched to address the crucial need for functional cold chain equipment (CCE) in vaccine supply chains. This platform aimed to enhance immunization equity and coverage goals set by Gavi, the global vaccine alliance. With an investment of US$250 million between 2016 and 2021, Gavi aimed to upgrade and expand cold chain equipment in over 63,000 healthcare facilities around the world. Two case studies from Guinea and Kenya offer insights into country-specific implementations of CCEOP and provide...

La traite et le travail des enfants en Guinée Apries Cenhtro UGA & Stat View International

La traite et le travail des enfants en Guinée : Une étude à méthodes mixtes pour estimer la prévalence et analyser le point de vue des parties prenantes sur la prise en charge et la prévention. Introduction: La traite et le travail des enfants sont des problèmes critiques auxquels de nombreux pays, y compris la Guinée, sont confrontés. Ces pratiques mettent en péril le bien-être et le développement des enfants, compromettant ainsi l'avenir de ces nations. Cette étude vise à estimer la prévalence de la traite et du travail des enfants en Guinée, ainsi qu'à analyser le point de vue des parties prenantes sur la prise en charge et la prévention de ces phénomènes alarmants. L'étude à méthodes...


Depuis la fin des années 1920, l'administration française cherchait désespérément un pays pouvant remplacer l'Indochine dans la fourniture de riz aux régions déficitaires de l'Afrique Occidentale Française (AOF). Autrefois autosuffisante, voire exportatrice de riz, la Guinée est devenue dans les années 1950 l'un des greniers à céréales de l'AOF. Sous la colonisation, les politiques sociales se résumaient à des luttes sanitaires pour protéger les colons, à des assurances pour les fonctionnaires et à des retraites pour certains privilégiés. L'éducation priorisait la formation de subalternes pour le système colonial. Ce n'est qu'en 1945 que l'enseignement guinéen fut aligné sur celui de la...


The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed cracks in social policies worldwide. Lockdowns, job losses, and other constraints have worsened poverty and gender inequality. To advocate for change, we must understand the history of social policy, how it's implemented now, its weaknesses, and its gendered implications. Gender-equitable, transformative social policy is critical given COVID-19's disproportionate impact on women. Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea provide an interesting case study. As Mano River Union countries, they share some history, ethnic groups, and geography. But as former French and British colonies, Guinea and Sierra Leone absorbed different colonial ideologies. Liberia,...

L’ACT and Dr. Aliou Barry’s Proposal to Constitutionalize the Asset Declaration Regime in Guinea

L’ACT and Dr. Aliou Barry’s Proposal to Constitutionalize the Asset Declaration Regime in Guinea Introduction In recent times, the political landscape in Guinea has witnessed a significant development with the proposal put forward by L’Alliance Citoyenne pour le Travail (ACT) and Dr. Aliou Barry to constitutionalize the regime of asset declaration. This proposal aims to enhance transparency and accountability within the governmental framework, setting new standards for public officials in Guinea.  Understanding the Proposal The proposal by L’ACT and Dr. Aliou Barry seeks to constitutionally mandate public officials to declare their assets, aiming to combat corruption and promote good...

Progrès réalisés par la Guinée dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable

Progrès réalisés par la Guinée dans l'atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable 1.         Titre de la Présentation et du Présentateur Titre: Regards citoyens sur la performance de la Guinée dans l’atteinte des Objectifs du Développement Durable (ODD) des Nations Unies. Présentateur: Dr Aliou BARRY, Directeur Général de Stat View International, Partenaire National d’Afrobarometer en Guinée 2.         Nombre de Participants (Merci de Joindre la liste des participants) (19 Personnes) ont participé à l’évènement (Voir liste de Présence en pièce jointe). En plus, (Evoquer la participation d’importantes...

Stat View International Launch: Training Session for Guinean University Students and US Embassy Staff on Opinion Polls and Focus Group Discussions

Stat View International Launch: Training Session for Guinean University Students and US Embassy Staff on Opinion Polls and Focus Group Discussions Introduction Stat View, in collaboration with the Embassy of the United States of America, recently conducted a groundbreaking training session for students from Guinean universities and staff from the US Embassy. The session aimed to provide invaluable insights into the world of opinion polls and focus group discussions. Understanding the Significance of Opinion Polls and Focus Group Discussions Opinion polls and focus group discussions play a pivotal role in shaping policies, understanding public sentiment, and gathering valuable feedback. By...

Réunion Stratégique à Conakry : Focus sur la Transition Démocratique en Afrique de l’Ouest

Dans l'enceinte animée de Conakry, le 1er novembre 2023, s'est déroulée une réunion stratégique orchestrée par le Réseau de solidarité démocratique en Afrique de l'Ouest (WADEMOS) et Stat View International. Cet événement de deux jours a réuni des acteurs majeurs de la société civile et des experts de plusieurs pays membres de la CEDEAO, centrés sur un objectif crucial : faciliter le retour à l'ordre constitutionnel dans les pays africains en période de transition. Au cœur des discussions, la situation en Guinée, au Burkina Faso, au Mali et au Niger. L'accent a été mis sur l'évaluation des progrès et des défis relatifs à la démocratie dans ces pays, avec une attention particulière sur les...