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Opinion polls, surveys and studies

Themes Financial Institution
Guinean ministerial reshuffle and press freedom Stat View International
Preferred political parties, management of state affairs and security Stat View International
National Conference and Multipartyism Stat View International
Themes Financial Institution
Ranking of Conakry Mayors, preferred political parties, social ills, purchasing power. Stat View International
Sanitation of the city of Conakry, best minister of the year, popularity rating of party leaders, priority development sector. Stat View International
KAP survey on maternal and child health
the child.
Survey on contraceptive consumption
injectables in Guinea
Themes Financial Institution
Ministerial reshuffle , administrative division, priority development program. Stat View International
Survey on condom consumption in
Guinea (adolescents aged 12 to 19).
Enquête sur la consommation des préservatifs en
Guinée (adultes de 20 à 35 ans).
Themes Financial Institution
Testing Prudence Plus advertising spots
(Focus Group).
Launch of a new pill brand
contraceptive (Focus Group).
Advertising impact of Baaba MAAL concerts
in Conakry.
Action research with religious leaders aimed at reconciling the content of the messages to be disseminated and the methods of introducing the themes to this target group (focus group). UNFPA/Guinea
KAP survey on health personnel’s perceptions of family planning to define training needs. UNFPA/Guinea
Survey on margarine consumption in Guinea. SOSACO/Guinea
Study on the sale of household soap (Dyama) in Guinea. ALPHA soap factory
Survey on equity in health services in Lower Guinea and Upper Guinea. SARA/BASICS
Themes Financial Institution
Study on the management of household waste in the Municipality of Kaloum (Conakry) Lavenet service/ Guinea
Measurement of the current level of reliability and validity of collected school statistical data EMIS/Ministry of Education
Investigation into the distribution network of food and cosmetic products in Conakry PSI/Guinea
Promotion of the female condom (Reality) PSI/Guinea
Analysis of previous studies on priority health programs PSN/Ministry of Public Health
Themes Financial Institution
Survey of FICA members FICA/Guinea
Evaluation of the impact of the family planning choice project (FAMPOP) in Guinea FHI (USA)
Pre-test of Prudence Plus advertising spots PSI/Guinea
Pre-test of the launch of a new ORS brand (focus group) PSI/Guinea
KAP survey and focus group on reproductive health among young people aged 12 to 19 in Conakry and Kankan OXFAM/PSI
Field testing of the Reproductive Health Services Standards and Procedures format JHPIEGO (USA)
Study on begging among disabled children in Guinea MASPFE-UNICEF
Themes Financial Institution
Child labor in Guinea: Summary of available data and field findings MASPFE-UNICEF
Qualitative research on knowledge,
Attitudes and practices regarding maternal and child health – Dabola Prefecture
Pre-test of the “STOP AIDS” card games PNLS/MSP
Assessment of the current market offer in the microfinancing sector in Guinea PRIDE/VITA
Study on the customer profile of the “Prudence Plus” condom in Conakry OXFAM/PSI
KAP (final) survey and focus group on reproductive health among young people aged 12 to
19 years old in Conakry and Kankan
Equity of access to health care program in the Forécariah prefecture BASICS/USAID
Qualitative research on reproductive health in Upper Guinea and Forestry Guinea PRISM/John Hopking
University (USA)
Situational analysis of reproductive health services in Guinea Ministry of Health/ Population Council/ USAID
Themes Financial Institution
Assessment of the training needs of Prudence Plus and Orasel wholesalers in the informal sector in Conakry OXFAM/PSI
Study on the sales promotion of OSFAM/PSI products with a “Mystery Shopper” approach OXFAM/PSI
Qualitative study on the reproductive health of adolescents aged 15 to 22 in the Commune of Matam (Conakry OXFAM/PSI
Qualitative research on the underutilization of hospitals in Middle Guinea: cases of Dalaba, Tougué, Pita and Lélouma Ministry of Health/PSN
Market study on the sale of food and miscellaneous products in Conakry SOSACO/Guinea
Study on missed opportunities for anti-polio vaccination in the Commune of Matoto (Conakry) Ministry of Health/Harvard University (USA)
Themes Financial Institution
Study on hospital hygiene in Guinea Ministry of Health/PSN

Comparative study of the costs of treating tracer pathologies

in hospitals in Guinea

Ministry of Health/GTZ
Studies on urban health in Conakry KIT/KFW
Market study on the sale of the “Prudence Plus” condom in Lower and Middle Guinea OXFAM/PSI
Study on the eating habits of children aged 0 to 36 months and the availability of weaning foods in Guinea Ministry of Health/PSN
National Survey on Iron Deficiency Anemia in Guinea (ENAFGUI) Helen Keller International/USAID
Review of the Expanded Vaccination Program:IEC section BASICS/USAID
Study on maternal and child health in Siguiri ADRA-Guinea
Study on food security in Siguiri ADRA-Guinea
Themes Financial Institution
Survey of health structures in Upper Guinea and Forestry Guinea MEASURE Evaluation /JSI (USA)
Study on tobacco consumption in Guinea (GCS1) RMS/Lagos (Nigeria)
Baseline study (CAP) on strengthening STI/AIDS prevention in the mining areas of Guinea OXFAM/PSI
Baseline evaluation of the Guinea Food Security Initiative (ISAG, Dinguiraye) project Africare/Guinea
Final evaluation of the Maternal and Child Health Initiative (ISMI, Dabola) project Africare/Guinea
Baseline study for the radio campaign on children’s rights in Guinea PLAN INT. GUINEA
Qualitative study on cigarette consumption in Conakry RESEARCH Solutions /Lagos (Nigeria)
Commercial study on NESCAFE in Conakry NESTLE/ GUINEA
Themes Financial Institution
National Survey on the Seroprevalence of STIs/HIV/AIDS in Guinea Ministry of Health, USAID, World Bank, WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDP, UNAIDS, GTZ
Market study on tobacco in Guinea (GCS2) RMS/Lagos (Nigeria)
Market study on OXFAM/PSI products (Planyl, Dépo-provera, Orasel and Prudence Plus) OXFAM/PSI
Reproductive Health and PHC Baseline Survey (Telikoro and Kountaya) Kissidougou/ Guinea American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Qualitative study on the reproductive health of young people and adolescents in Guinea OXFAM/PSI
Market study on the consumption of unsweetened milk in Conakry SOSACO/Guinea
Baseline Evaluation for A.R.C HIV/AIDS prevention program N’Zérékoré town and Refugee Camps American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Financial market study in Guinea PRIDE/Finance
Themes Financial Institution
National Survey on Corruption and Governance in Guinea (ENACOG) World Bank/CNLC
Survey of health structures in Upper Guinea, Forestry Guinea and Middle Guinea
Market study on the consumption of powdered milk in Conakry SOSACO/Guinea
National Survey on Child Trafficking in Guinea (ENATEG) UNICEF/MASPFE
Market study on tobacco in Guinea (GCS3) RMS/Lagos (Nigeria)
Market study on the consumption of unsweetened condensed milk in Conakry SOSACO/Guinea
Baseline evaluation of the School Canteens Project World Food Program (WFP)
Market study on cigarette consumption (CPT) in Guinea RMS/Lagos (Nigeria)
Survey on the economic analysis of the Guinean economy CEPEC/Ministry of Planning
Themes Financial Institution
Survey on the current economic situation in Guinea Stat View International
Inventory of Studies and Research in RH in terms of IEC Ministry of Health/UNFPA
Assessment of vaccination coverage in Guinea WHO/Guinea
Survey on orphans and other children vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in Guinea MASPFE/
Legal aspects of violence against Refugee women in Kissidougou town and Albadaria Camps
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Survey
American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Assessment of the security and food needs of refugees in the N’Zérékoré, Macenta and Kissidougou Camps World Food Program (WFP)
Baseline survey on food and nutritional security of people infected/or affected by HIV/AIDS in Conakry and N’Zérékoré World Food Program (WFP)
Formative assessment of the social situation of target groups in terms of BCC in the Conakry area Family Health International
Quantitative survey on HIV/AIDS among member companies of the Chamber of Mines of Guinea Population Services International (PSI)
Follow-up Survey on ARC/Guinea Community Safety initiative beneficiaries in Sierra Leone American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Monitoring survey of the STI/HIV/AIDS prevention project among populations and refugees in the refugee camps of Guinea Forestière American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Themes Financial Institution
Evaluation of quality competition in health structures in Guinea German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Market study on DYAMA soap in Conakry. ALPHA soap factory
Program Evaluation Survey of Religious and Community Leaders in Upper and Middle Guinea PRISM/Johnn Hopking
University (USA)
Investigation into the repatriation of Liberian refugees in the Laine and Kola refugee camps in Forest Guinea International Refugee
Committee (IRC)
Survey on the reproductive health of adolescents and young people in the Laine and Kola refugee camps in Forest Guinea International Refugee
Committee (IRC)
Formative evaluation of the social situation of target groups in terms of CCC in the Forest Guinea zone Family Health International
Prevention of violence against women in N’Zérékoré and Kissidougou American Refugee
Committee (ARC)
CAP Evaluation on Conflict Prevention in the Forest Region (N’Zérékoré, Yomou and Lola) American Refugee
Committee (ARC)
Survey for the prevention of violence against women in Conakry (Listening Center) American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Themes Financial Institution
Survey on the provision of healthcare in the city of Conakry: Informal Sector DSVCo/European Union
Evaluation of the yellow fever vaccination campaign in Guinea World Health Organization
Baseline study of indicators of the health and AIDS control program German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Follow-up survey of the STI/HIV/AIDS prevention project among populations and refugees in the refugee camps of Forest Guinea American Refugee
Committee (ARC)
Survey for the Categorization of the Real Estate Portfolio based on the wastewater produced Ministry of Urban Planning and Housing
Survey for the improvement of the quality of the statistical yearbook of MEPU-EC (primary schools of the country) MEPU-EC/
USAID/Maillon Project
CAP Evaluation on Conflict Prevention in the Forest Region (N’Zérékoré, Yomou and Lola) American Refugee
Committee (ARC)
KAP Survey on Primary Health Care in Lofa Region, Republic of Liberia. International Medical Corps (IMC).
Situation analysis for obtaining basic data on STI/HIV/AIDS services in the N’Zérékoré Prefecture UNFPA
Survey to strengthen interventions in Reproductive Health and STD/AIDS in the Upper Guinea region PRISM
Survey on the state of governance in the Prefecture of Guéckédou German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Evaluation of the Youth Network Project for the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in Africa: Case of Guinea Inter-African Committee for the Fight against Harmful Traditional Practices (CIAF).
Themes Financial Institution
Survey on the socio-political and economic situation in Guinea Stat View International
Exploratory study on harmful practices affecting the health of mothers and children in urban areas in Guinea TOSTAN/CRDH
Survey on the prevention of STIs/HIV/AIDS among the Guinean population and refugees living in the camps of Guinea Forestière. American Refugee Committee (ARC)
National behavioral and biological surveillance survey on STIs/HIV/AIDS in Guinea (ESCOMB 2007) CNLS/World Bank
National survey to evaluate the measles vaccination campaign coupled with the distribution of vitamin A and Mebendazole World Health Organization
KAP Evaluation on Conflict Prevention in the Forest Region (N’Zérékoré, Yomou and Lola) American Refugee Committee (ARC)
Survey on food security in Guinea World Food Program (WFP)
Baseline study on Democracy and Governance in Guinea MSI/USAID
Themes Financial Institution
Study of the reconstruction of the Conakry-Kankan railway line
Trans-Guinean Transport Committee/RIO TINTO
CAP survey on STIs/HIV/AIDS among
ICRC staff
Themes Financial Institution
Analysis of the situation of STIs/HIV AIDS in Forest Guinea and proposed response Joint program/United Nations System
Global Corruption Barometer in Sierra Leone and Liberia Transparency International and Gallup International
Opinion poll on Guinean media National Communication Council
Baseline study on child exploitation and trafficking in the regions of Kindia, Faranah and N’Zérékoré U.S. Department of Labor and World Education
Opinion poll on Guinean media National Communication Council
Themes Financial Institution
Survey of the effects of PDSD interventions in Upper and Middle Guinea African Development Bank
Epidemiological and clinical profile of cranio-encephalic and vertebra-medullary trauma due to AVP World Health Organization (WHO)
Survey of service providers, the community and the group of
former circumcisers on the practice of excision in the Prefecture of N’Zérékoré
Extending Service Delivery (ESD)/USAID
Opinion poll on the image of the Guinean Construction and Service Provider (GUI.CO.PRES SA) GUI.CO.PRES SA
Themes Financial Institution
Survey on the assessment of the weight of the exchange system in the volume of foreign exchange transactions Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea
Survey on the assessment of the weight of the exchange system in the volume of foreign exchange transactions Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea
Survey on reproductive health indicators MSHP/UNFPA
Market study on the prices of certain items in the city of Conakry Areeba Guinea
Evaluation of the implementation of the framework of Levels of Fistula Care Services in Health Structures in Guinea Fistula Care/Engender
Situation analysis of the health sector and evaluation of the PNDS within the framework of a sectoral approach in the Republic of Guinea MSHP/PNDS
Themes Financial Institution
Assessment of the state of governance: Elections and diversity management in Guinea United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
High Intensity Labor Emergency Program (PUHIMO) World Bank
Final evaluation of the project to support reconciliation, social cohesion and the culture of peace in Guinea Search for Common Ground
Themes Financial Institution
Analysis of the socio-economic and political situation in Guinea World Bank
  1. Guinea Round 5 results summary
  2. Assessment of Democracy and Governance in Guinea
Preliminary identification of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Conakry World Bank (International Finance Corporation)
Data collection from Civil Society Organizations involved in monitoring Parliaments (PMOs) IREEP, CDD-GHANA and Operated Society Initiative (OSI) and its associated foundations in Africa


Themes Financial Institution
Qualitative study among entrepreneurs in Conakry World Bank (International Finance Corporation)
Census of the Informal Sector in Guinea (RESIG 2014) World Bank (International Finance Corporation)
Evaluation of the routine health information system (RHIS) JSI
Assessment of the impact of the landing of the ACE submarine cable in Guinea. Warcip-Guinea Project (IDAN°H174-GN donation)
Exploratory study on economic activities in the Prefectures of Kindia, Dubreka and Télimélé.


Survey on the visibility and use of Afrobarometer results in Guinea. Afrobarometer Network
Study on the implementation of EITI in Guinea OSIWA /Guinea
Themes Financial Institution
Baseline assessment of the PRADD-2 project on artisanal diamond mining in the Prefectures of Forécariah and Kindia PRADD -2
Evaluation of the provision of care and the use of reproductive health services following the Ebola virus epidemic JSI
Opinion survey on public sector reforms and the population’s priorities in terms of reform in Guinea Search For Common Ground (SFCG)
  1. Guinea Round 6 results summary
  2. Assessment of Democracy and Governance in Guinea
  3. AD122: China’s increased presence in Africa attracts largely positive assessments
  4. AD129: In Guinea, interest in political life is low, but the perception of freedoms is strong

Business Directory in Guinea APIP (Private Investment Promotion Agency)
Opinion poll on the expectations and priorities of the Guinean population (2015 Presidential Election in Guinea) Political Party
Study on the response to Ebola in Guinea Ebola watch


Themes Financial Institution
Survey on energy in Guinean households World Bank/Econoler
Opinion poll on the Ombudsman of the Republic Search For Common Ground (SFCG)/World Bank/Ombudsman of the Republic
Opinion survey on public sector reforms and the population’s priorities in terms of reforms in Guinea Search For Common Ground (SFCG)/ World Bank
Diagnostic study on corruption in Sao Tome and Principe (ECOSTP/2015) African Development Bank through PAGEF
Post-Ebola recovery measures to mitigate the second-order impacts of the epidemic in Guinea. USAID/IBTCI
Themes Financial Institution


  1. Guinea Round 7 results summary
  2. Evaluation of Democracy and Governance in Guinea (R7)
  3. AD273: Crossing international borders: What challenges for West African populations?
  4. AD298: Support for media freedom declines in Guinea
  5. AD306: With lived poverty on the rise, Guineans grow pessimistic, criticism of government performance
  6. AD306: Experienced poverty on the rise: Guineans pessimistic and critical of government performance
  7. AD314: Political violence is still on the rise in Guinea
  8. AD328: Guineans want accountable government and presidential term limits
  9. AD328: Guineans want responsible government and presidential term limits
  10. AD339: Religion in Africa: Strong tolerance and trust in leaders, but many would admit control of religious discourse
Origin-Destination Surveys and Vehicle Counts in Conakry, Dubreka and Coyah European Union/Ministry of Transport/Egis International and Louis Berger International
Post-Ebola recovery measures to mitigate the second-order impacts of the epidemic in Guinea. USAID/IBTCI
Baseline study to support the CIHG project (Citizen Involvement in the Governance of the Health Sector in Guinea) FHI 360
Development of the National Directory of Small and Medium Enterprises MIPME/World Bank



Themes Financial Institution
Household Travel Survey (EMD) within the framework of the Urban Travel Plan (PDU) of Conakry European Union/Ministry of Transport/Egis International and Louis Berger International
Evaluation of the performance of Pillar II projects financed by USAID and other partners in the context of post-Ebola recovery. USAID/IBTCI
Evaluation of vehicle travel time on the main roads of Conakry, Coyah and Dubréka. European Union/Ministry of Transport/Egis International and Louis Berger International
Survey of Perception of the Political Climate by Populations and Political Parties in Guinea United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Evaluation of the Performance of Cold Chain Equipment (CCOP) with Health Structure Authorities. JSI (John Snow Research & Training Institute, Inc.)
Survey of Perception of Citizens and Stakeholders (Authorities, Defense and Security Forces, Magistrates, Media, etc.) on Reforms in the Security and Justice Sectors United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Basic evaluation of the “WOMEN WITHOUT BARRIERS” program IFC/World Bank


Themes Financial Institution
Baseline evaluation of the livelihood restoration and improvement program in the villages of Hamdallaye and Fassély Foutabhé (PRAMS) THIS
World Bank Group Country Survey, FY19-Guinea. World Bank
Mid-term evaluation of the Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform in Guinea (CCEOP) – Qualitative component JSI (John Snow Research & Training Institute, Inc.)/USAID
Baseline study on child trafficking in Guinea RAN / APRIES
  1. Guinea Round 8 results summary
  2. Guinea Afrobarometer SDG Bulletin
  3. AD412: Ties that unite? Signs of unity and division in 18 African countries
  4. AD412: Ties that bind? Evidence of both unity and division in 18 African countries
  5. AD392: Is Guinean democracy trapped?
  6. AD390: Have democratic institutions failed? Ivorians, Guineans, and Senegalese put to the test of third mandates which they reject
  7. AD388: For better or worse, more Guineans are using digital media
  8. AD368: Corruption on the rise according to Guineans, who fear reprisals if they speak about it
Themes Financial Institution
Evaluation of the performance of convergence municipalities – Basic education component/Quality control UNICEF
Population perception of the socio-economic and environmental impacts of the exploitation of the Boké mines. Financing institution: World Bank.
Final survey of the Project to support women entrepreneurs in Guinea World Bank
Themes Financial Institution
Final evaluation of the Cold Chain Equipment Optimization Platform in Guinea (CCEOP). Quantitative component. JSI (John Snow Research & Training Institute, Inc.)/USAID.
Mixed-methods community-based participatory research baseline study to establish the prevalence of child trafficking RAN/APRIES
Studies on the Update of the National Transport Plan of the Republic of Guinea Ministry of Transport / European Union
Themes Financial Institution
  1. Guinea Round 9 results summary
  2. AD652: Do Guineans have contradictory political aspirations?
  3. AD654: Guineans deplore the insecurity as well as the brutal and inappropriate behavior of their police
  4. Child well-being in Guinea
  5. AD783: Gender-based violence in Guinea: Victims between fear of humiliation and hope for justice
  6. AD802: Guineans feel free to express themselves but are wary of what they say in politics
  7. AD853: Dissatisfied with responses to climate change, Guineans demand more from different actors
Themes Financial Institution
  1. Guinea Round 10 results summary
  2. AD829: Guineans demand more in promoting gender equality
  3. AD857: Guineans expect more government action to protect the environment
AMPLI-PPHI Prevention and management of postpartum hemorrhage JHPIEGO/Guinea